Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I figured it was getting pretty old and I've already changed the blog background! Yeah, I used the same background and one of the pictures is reused, but other than that, IT'S ALLLLL NEW!~

Since each of these pictures represents a part of me, I will explain :D

Follow the numbers :)

1) Well, this one didn't really didn't mean anything. I was searching for Fairy Tail (see 2 and 5) and this came up on google images. So, I decided it would look good and now it's on here! XD

2) This one is easy. I LOVE THE ANIME/MANGA FAIRY TAIL!!!!! Besides One Piece, this is my favorite anime of the moment! I must say, Natsu is a BEAST!!! This is one of those anime's I wish was real. If it was, I would totally want Natsu's dragonslayer magic or Gray's Icemake magic ♥

This just might be my new wallpaper xD

This photo is fan made but it shows a scene from one of the EPIC battles in the anime. (He truly does grow scales for that moment! You never seem to see them after T_T)


JUST KIDDING! This is my new wallpaper!!! *faints*



Gray's magic circle is so beautiful and crystalized! 
NOTCE: Gray has a weird habit of taking his shirt off! You find out why in the anime XD! I HAVE PROOF!!!

Told you.
 (That's a guy he trained with when he was younger)

Btw, Natsu and Gray hate each other...

Here are a few video's for Fairy Tail:
The 4th Opening

Some awesome guy playing the 4th opening

Him playing the main theme (and my favorite) song :3

Natsu's theme song! It represents him well XD

The 2nd opening! You see Natsu's magic circle uber well!!! (It's backwards for copyright reasons)

3) It's Volcan 300!!! This little guy is from the anime Zatch bell (or Gash Bell for the Japanese version). I watched this show for the first time MAAAAANY years ago when they showed it during Toonami on Cartoon Network. My friend Richelle and I were talking about Toonami (and how they shouldn't have discontinued it) and we remembered watching Zatch Bell! That's when I started watching it over again! I LOOOOVE ZATCH!!! His voice is soooo kawaii in the Japanese version!!! (fangirl moment...?) Athough I'm annoyed because you never find out if he becomes Mamodo king or not.

Zatch's bigazz attack "Baou Zakeruga" 

Yupp. Almost all his attacks and defenses come from his mouth 

Zatch and Volcan 300! 

Kiyo (Zatch's book holder/BFF) and Zatch!

This video is of one of the last episodes and Zatch uses the MAD BEAST Baou Zakeruga spell (it multiplied!) to defeat the undefeatable XP. This anime is def on my TOP 5 anime list ;D

4) My old deco-ed out iPhone :3 I would've put my new one but my camera isn't letting me take a decent picture of it! TT_TT

5) Do fairies really have tails... Do they even exsist... No one can say for certain. Like them, this place is an eternal mystery, a never-ending adventure! That's the real meaning behind the name.

Fairy Tail again!!!!! This time its the guild symbol! If I wasn't DEATHLY afraid of needles, I would totally get a tatoo of it like all the characters! Either that or the homunculi symbol from Fullmetal Alchemist (off subject!). 
Natsu's symbol! 

Gray's symbol! 

Lucy's symbol!
Whoever made Lucy must be a little bit perverted...

In the end, you see Gray's magic circle!!! (so icy!!!)

6) Yeah, I'm a total Pokemon fanatic. I seriously wish Pokemon were real >.

Pokerap anyone?
I learned this whole song. No joke. #hardcorepokefan

7) I love my DS!!! But sadly I had to unbling it because it became dirty!!! I'm hopefully getting the Nintendo DSi for Christmas so I'll rebling it! ^^

8) Ohh, who's that sexy fine beast??? OH! It's me of course ;)

♥ ♥ ♥

I've decided to start doing a question of the day! It comes along with my newfound Shane Dawson addiction haha. 

QOTD: What are your favorite things? It could be anything! Your pet, anime, shoe, or even that speck on the wall you can't seem to get off (...?)! Leave a comment telling me :D

Female blogger dilemma (Xiaxue)

If you are anonymous - you must be a fat ugly loser in real life.

If you show your identity and you look ugly - You should do plastic surgery.

If you show your identity and you already did plastic surgery - you are fake and disgusting.

If you are au-natural and pretty - you are still fake coz you put make-up, or must photoshop your pictures.

If you are pretty and don't put make up - it's because you don't know how. Also, you look boring and pale.

If you are pretty and put make up - you are superficial, insecure and shallow. Go save a whale.

If you get popular - you are a famewhore.

If you don't get popular - you are a nobody.

If you get popular and earn money from being popular - you are a sell-out.

If you get popular but don't earn money - you are stupid, and also, who you think you are, so bloody high and mighty?

If you are single and not dating - something's wrong with you.

If you are single and dating - you are a slut.

If you are attached - your boyfriend is either ugly or too good for you.

If you are married - you are a boring housewife.

If you are married with kids - why the fuck are you blogging when you should be looking after your kids? You are a shit mom.

If your partner is rich - you are a gold-digger.

If your partner is poor - you are a unrealistic romantic and if you break up with him for someone who works later on, you are a gold-digger.

If your partner is nice - Don't know what he sees in you.

If your partner is a jerk - You are a moron for dating him in the first place but you deserve no better anyway.

If you keep your life private - you have something to hide and you are a liar.

If you don't keep your life private and your life is sad - What a loser.

If you don't keep your life private and your life is fab - What a show off.

If you don't speak your mind - you are stupid, apathetic and unopinionated.

If you speak your mind - you are ignorant and talking about things you don't know about. You should shut up.

If you are fat - that's the only thing you are. That and disgusting.

If you are skinny - You must be anexoric or bulimic. Also you are making other women feel fat and thus spreading unhealthy weight ideals.

If you are of average weight - You are fat.

If you don't respond to haters - Means what they said must be true and you have nothing to say.

If you respond nicely to haters - They will just have more ammunition and hate you more.

If you respond rudely to haters - You cannot take criticism and you are a cyberbully.

Overall... You just can't win!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Embarking on my journey...

...of learning Japanese and keeping straight A's and learning Spanish at the same time! I must be crazy. I've tried learning Japanese before and each time, I learn the Hiragana and Katakana and then I completely stop! AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. I guess I just find Japanese overall hard to learn so my brain mentally shuts down when I see that I have to learn:

Jouyou Grade 1. 常用漢字一級 


Jouyou Grade 2. 常用漢字二級 


Jouyou Grade 3. 常用漢字三級 

                                                         使                                                                           宿                                                         調      

Jouyou Grade 4. 常用漢字四級 


Jouyou Grade 5. 常用漢字五級 

                                                             退                                                                貿                                 綿                      

Jouyou Grade 6. 常用漢字六級 

                                 沿                        姿                                                                                                                       

Jouyou Grade 7. 常用漢字七級 

                                                                                                            寿                尿                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  湿                                             婿                                                                             殿                                                                                                    稿                                                                                                                                      簿                                      (WTFFF, why is this one so dang long?... TWSS)


and that's when I go SHIZZZ!!!

First you have to learn all of those and what they mean/ how to write them and then they combine to make COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORDS O_o!!! *mind explodes*

Also, maybe the fact that I have a little bit off ADD is a bad factor in myself learning the language. ehh!

I HAVE A QUESTION!!! In a sentence like this:


How do you pick out the words when they're all morphed into one??? That one of my obstacles in japanese =__=

I wouldn't mind learning Kanji if I had an answer to that question!!!

If you know PLEASE leave a comment on this post or in the cbox on my sidebar!!! THANKYOU <3